Location: 13240 Tamiami Trail N, Naples, FL 34110, Suite number 204
Number: 239 592 7767
Working Hours: Mon - Fri : 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (ESWT) may be the answer to deeper healing for you – because it works. No, it’s not the same as shock therapy on the brain that you saw in the movies. ESWT (or ECSWT) is a non-invasive physiotherapy treatment method that uses a shock wave – produced by the force and sound of a snap – to stimulate healing and reduce pain in various musculoskeletal conditions, including chronic pain and disability. ESWT can be applied to different parts of the body, such as the shoulder, the elbow, the spine and pelvis, or various muscles, tendons and ligaments – depending on the diagnosis and the severity of the symptoms
ESWT works by generating high or low-energy acoustic shock waves that are transmitted through the skin to the complaint area. The treatment sounds a lot like someone snapping their fingers. The shock waves break up adhesions, help to reorganize tissue, trigger the body’s natural healing response and increase blood flow, oxygen and nutrients to the area. This treatment actually regenerates tissue, making Shockwave regenerative medicine. ESWT also helps to break down scar tissue, calcifications, and adhesions that may impair function and mobility. It’s an effective and promising therapy.
Extracorporeal shockwave therapy is clinically proven and approved by the FDA for several tendinopathies and myofascial problems (musculoskeletal issues). ESWT has been proven in clinical studies to help treat arthritis, sports injuries, frozen shoulder and rotator cuff tendinitis, plantar fasciitis and tennis elbow – to name a few. It’s safe with minimal side effects. ESWT is being offered at many exclusive, high-end private clinics typically only accessible to the rich and famous. Making radial ESWT a viable and affordable option for you is our objective.
Reach out to us using the details below or visit our clinic in Naples, Florida. Our friendly team is committed to providing the support and care you need to achieve your health and wellness goals. We look forward to hearing from you!
13240 Tamiami Trail N, Naples, FL 34110, Suite number 204
Mon - Fri : 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM